September 2014 Bull-e-tin

People may forget what you said and what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel. This video highlights some of those memorable moments.

You may recall in last months Bull-e-tin that I was invited to attend a gathering of aging musicians reviving their passion for the instrumental music of the sixties. This looked like fun and an opportunity to get my old ’62 Fender guitar out of the closet and join these ‘weekend warriors’ on a mission to relive past glories of their youth. And so yesterday afternoon, the Albany Creek Tavern in Brisbane vibrated to the twangy sounds of vintage rock and roll.

After waiting my turn to play (and completely unrehearsed with professional musicians whom I’d just met) – it was a tad daunting. Having enjoyed a twenty – year speaking career, stage fright has never bothered me, but on this occasion I was completely out of my comfort zone, attempting to relive an exciting era of my youth that I never imagined I’d revisit.

Overwhelmed by anxiety, and peer pressure, I made a few mistakes, but nobody noticed or cared it seemed, because I was enthusiastically invited back. It was a wonderful experience and I made many new friends yesterday who reminded me to never lose sight of the ‘tie that binds’.

Here is my point and is why I publish my monthly Bull-e-tin to you.

For us to improve, grow and remain relevant in the ever- changing tide of human evolution, we must put ourselves out there, try something different, seize the moment, and take the bull by the horns and have a go, which is the theme of my latest book.

I always learn from the mistakes of new initiatives, and benefit from associating with other like–minded people, because what they can give me conceptually in terms of being able to think creatively in a way that I never would, often gives me a different approach to the way I balance my life. Striking the right balance however requires skill, talent and above all a passion for what you do.

Passion and talent are a winning combination. When heart and skill meet – it is the tie that binds.

But that’s what happened yesterday. Here is what’s happening tomorrow where once again I will be outside my comfort zone. I’m participating in a charity cause to assist Vickie Magic (publisher of Business Matters and Why Fitness magazines) cancer appeal.

Barry’s latest book Take the bull by the horns – available now in digital or print, go to